Organise your tweets with Twitter's custom timeline
13 November 2013
Twitter has announced a new custom timeline feature where users can collate tweets using Tweetdeck into specific interests or groups.
13 November 2013
Twitter has announced a new custom timeline feature where users can collate tweets using Tweetdeck into specific interests or groups.
10 November 2013
With the growing number of emails being viewed across mobile and tablets, creating a seamless customer experience can seem like a daunting task. However, responsive email design is one route that many brands are going down this year to deliver a multi-platform experience.
02 November 2013
Following on from their announcement a few weeks ago to introduce sponsored ads, Instagram gives us a glimpse at what they will look like on our news feed.
01 November 2013
Facebook is increasing the use of video in mobile advertising, allowing advertisers to target mobile consumers through video advertising on both iPhone and Android.
29 October 2013
According to an article published today on the BBC website, the Lonely Planet ranks Yorkshire as one of the top global places to visit in 2014. Of course the team at HMA already knew this but for those of you wondering why this really is the best of all English Counties, we’ve put together our top 5 suggestions to see and do from www.yorkshire.com.
14 October 2013
The world’s leading search engine Google released the Hummingbird algorithm at the end of September and if you’re confused about what the update means for your SEO strategy, then read on…
26 September 2013
As well as giving the site a whole new look and feel, it’s packed full of the latest information on our comprehensive list of services, case studies, testimonials and lots more.
20 September 2013
In this month’s newsletter, HMA’s Account Executive and social media expert Joyce Cowles shares her top ten tips on social media.
20 September 2013
…But they’ll be “tasteful”, “transparent” and “relevant”.